Let users interact with your app using natural language. xPrompt is an LLM-powered chat-ux that you can set up in an hour.

Remove Friction From Your User Journey

There are three types of friction that pulls down your product KPIs: emotional friction, cognitive friction, and interaction friction. An AI-powered chat-ux can help overcome all three and drive acquisition, conversion and consumption metrics across the board.


Move Fast

xPrompt is solving the entire workflow for adding a chat UX to your product — fast! Get to a proof-of-concept in 10 minutes and a functional MVP in an hour.

Hosted large language model

Fine-tuned LLM to tranlsate natual language queries to REST API calls.

Drop in chat UI component

An open-source React component that you can just drop into your app.

East to use admin panel

Set up your app through a simple and easy to use admin panel.


Innovate with Gen AI

Generative AI offers a pathway to unlcok new value. Imagine boosting user engagement, driving feature consumption, and boosting revenue.

Build the next big thing

Build new apps with a chat-first UX.

Make your app sticky

Make it easy to consume more features every day.

Crush the competition

Differentiate your product with generative AI.

Conversational apps are the future

Everyone is paying attention to how product teams are creating value with AI. Use this window of opportunity to ship the next big thing

The hottest new programming language is English

Andrej Karpathy
Tesla, OpenAI

What if Every SaaS App Spoke English?

Tomasz Tunguz
Theory Ventures

It's about time we re-imagine UX

Himakara Pieris
xPrompt, hydra.ai

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of our FAQs. Please join the Discord server if you like to talk anything technical. We are happy to help you.

Want to hang out and talk LLMs?

Get help building chat UXs on our Slack.

Copyright © 2023. xPrompt, Inc.